Initial Changelogs

Ajax Search Pro for WordPress changelog (version log)

Older Version Logs

Date & Version


2020.05.11 – 4.18.5


  • Elementor filters – Initialization method changed, because it caused issues with some other Elementor modules.

  • _price_html pseudo variable now working correctly on WPML and custom currency enabled

  • Import from lite – Importing colors and and typography fixes

  • User meta support in advanced title and content fields (__um_field)

  • Improved PDF content indexing method

2020.04.23 – 4.18.4


  • Search instance names now support unicode an other languages (persian, chinese etc..)

  • Fixed an issue with the browser back (pop-state) button, and the search triggers

  • Grouping results: Now the “other” group does not display, when it is empty

2020.03.31 – 4.18.3


  • Switch for taxonomy term filters to exclude terms, which have no posts assigned to them (empty terms)


  • Select2 implementation – fixes with compact box layout, masonry layout and max-height added to the drop-down

2020.03.26 – 4.18.2


  • Chosen script changed to select2, a more up-to-date solution

  • WordPress 5.4 Compatibility test


  • Multiple jQuery version detection on the wrapper script

  • Cache options – Now the cache clear button works correctly

2020.03.15 – 4.18.1


  • Index table – now periodically perfrorms a table defragmentation and optimization trigger during the indexing, for better performance

  • Matintenance – Index table defragmentation and optimization can be manually triggered there

  • Index table – Separated the index and statistics queries for major performance improvements during indexing process


  • Settings box no longer closes on mobile devices unexpectedly when using range slider

2020.03.05 – 4.18

New Features


  • Documentation links now appear on the back-end, when hovering over fieldsets – to find the related documentations for each tab easier.


  • Override issue – Content Type filter is not correctly used

  • Filters API – Changing values in filters is now possible via loops as well

  • Vertical results navigation now correctly jumps 1 item instead of 2

2020.02.05 – 4.17.6


  • Auto CSS minification – fixed an issue where some media query strings does not get minified correctly

  • Enter key actions – Now the “do nothing” action works correctly

  • Internet Explorer (<=11) - Clicking the "X" or the input field on auto-populated results does not re-populate them anymore

  • PeepSo – Searching ungrouped posts/comments now works correctly

2020.01.24 – 4.17.5


  • CSS minification fixes

  • Added a bypass for gif result images

2020.01.23 – 4.17.4


  • Fixed an issue with the Chosen script not properly loaded on the front-end in 4.17.3

  • The back-end preview window now correctly displays the drop-downs

2020.01.22 – 4.17.3

New features

  • Vertical results columns – Now it is possible to change the number of columns of the results container, as well as the minimum column width

  • Required filter fields (taxonomy, custom fields, date, content type) – Fields within the filter can be set to ‘required’ (drop-down, radio, text, date), display a custom text pop-up and does not trigger the search until user interaction

  • Animated gif results images – now only show the first frame in content, and animates on mouse hover


  • Search box top/bottom margin – now possible to adjust individually, old margin option moved to the input field options. New margin under Layout Options -> Search box layout panel.

  • Smaller overall stylesheet files and smart JS loader – CSS rules and JS files re now loaded based on the search configuration – saving up to 60% of bandwidth in some cases.

  • Compatibility Options – Some CSS and JS loading options removed, due to the implementation of automatic asset detection

  • Peepso Activity search – now supports non group activities


  • Smoother animations – the plugin will try to animate only items visible on the viewport

  • Smarter Infinite scroll – now correctly works on horizontal results as well

  • Results and settings shortcode – Now does not display multiple results/settings boxes, if the same search instance is multiple times on the page

2019.12.22 – 4.17.2

New features

  • Custom Field Filters – Not Like and Not Exactly Like operators added

  • Grouping results – Re-ordering the groups by the most relevant results is now possible


  • Results box vertical layout – max height can be set for each device individually

  • Index Table – More intelligent load balacning for the indexing process


  • Search override – Now correctly works with APS Store plugin search

  • Scrollbar – Fixed an initialization issue with the settings checkbox scroll

  • Ordering on the results page – now support more query variables

  • Compact box – Fixed an issue, when redirection is set for the magnifier icon, and the closing is disabled, it automatically redirected to the results page without opening

  • Content type filters – Choose all/none now working correctly

  • Reset button – Now correctly hides the parent->child categories when set

  • Better WP_Filesystem handling and fallback

2019.11.22 – 4.17.1


  • Scrollbar – Updated to the latest version & fixed a scoping issue, where multiple releases present of the same scrollbar script would cause a problem

  • Back-end styling – WP 5.3 introduced new styling for inputs, now correctly displayed on the plugin back-end

  • Ajax Content Type issue – Fixed an issue, where the HTML content type returned was automatically wrapped by some servers with tags, that caused an incorrect output.

  • Search in post IDs – Now correctly working with index table engine

2019.11.04 – 4.17

New features

  • Taxonomy filters – On Parent->Child checkbox structures, the now child elements can be set to hidden, when the parent is unchecked

  • Negative keywords meta box – Adding negative keywords to posts when using the index table engine.

  • Advanced title and content fields – Now support PODS custom table fields. To get a PODs field, use the field name should be prefixed with pods, such as _pods_field_name

  • Image Parser – Set the number of the image to get from the content, as well as exclude file names

  • Image Options – Added a field for taxonomy term images (custom meta field), as well as a default user results image

  • asp_theme_search_form filter detection – Theme developers can now add their search forms via this filter, to support automatic search bar replacement.


  • Removed unused filters like ‘asp_result_title_after_prostproc’ and similar

  • Simplebar – replacement of deprecated mcustomscrollbar

  • Redirection to results page – The get method now does not encrypt the variables


  • APPLE Mobile – “Search” button not redirecting

  • Multisite – Access for multisite blogs within the list is now restricted according to the user level

  • Importing from Lite version – now supports all the latest Lite version options

  • Analytics is now correctly triggered only when the search is finished

  • Replicate – More results not working automatically on IOS devices

  • Compact box and mobile device width calculation fixed

  • Generic filters – warning for index table usage now corrected

  • Re-initialize – Add click triggers for “#menu-item-search”, “.fa-search” and other selectors

  • Security scanner false-positive fixes

  • Input field styles corrected – width and margins

  • Change admin_print_styles to admin_enqueue_scripts

  • .tooltip conflicting style moved

  • Custom field filters: Hidden filter type now working

  • Custom field filters: Multiple (array of) values via the “::” syntax now works for text and hidden fields as well.

  • Back-end styling no longer enqueued when the meta box is disabled

  • Post type filters – Multiselect placeholder now changing correctly

  • Removed unused files: validator.min.css

  • Autocomplete showing private post titles to public

  • Possible security vulnerabilities patched

  • Force hover results on mobile – now works correctly, when the results shortcode is used, or using the block layout

  • Better custom search URL handling and error correction

2019.06.27 – 4.16.2


  • Custom field filters – {get_values} shorthand and the empty ‘select all’ option now working properly

  • Meta boxes – Now properly save on Attachment editor screens

  • Search override – GET and POST method now correctly work

  • WooCommerce & Polylang – Product variations are now shown in the correct language

  • Index Table – The CPT languages are correctly parsed

  • Datepicker UI – Time zone differences are now correctly calculated when selecting the date

2019.06.24 – 4.16.1


  • Reset button – Now correctly resets the slider items

  • Custom field filter – drop-down option group fixed

  • Custom field filter – labels fixed

2019.06.20 – 4.16


  • Filters API – adding, removing and modifying front-end filters via code is now possible

  • JS API – Functions to check if the filters have been changed, and if the filters state is initial

  • PHP API – filters_changed, filters_initial query arguments added, to check if the search arguments have been changed on the front end


  • Reset button – now allows closing the results when clicked

  • WP 5.2 compatibility checked


  • Reset button – correctly resets after redirection

  • Multisite – Fixed a performance related issue, when using the get_site_option and update_site_option functions

  • NoUI slider – Hidden dragger fixed due to incorrect transformation CSS property

2019.04.30 – 4.15.2


  • “date_format” – field parameter for advanced title and content fields, to specify a custom date format. More details in the documentation.

  • From/To custom field date filters – added inclusive options as well, so that the selected date can be included

  • Datepicker fields – allowing empty value as default, as well as adjustable placeholder text


  • Fixed an Elementor override bug – when a search phrase was not defined, the Elementor search archive was not working correctly

  • Themeco X Pro builder – shortcode contents are now correctly indexed

  • “Chosen” drop-down filter z-index fixes

  • Renaming search instances now works correctly

2019.04.16 – 4.15.1


  • Grouping can be set by title, instead of the default ID


  • Taxonomy Term search – Added an option to control search in term titles

  • Advanced Title/Content fields – ‘_price_html’ field with WooCommerce will display the price requested as HTML, including the sale and original price if available.

  • Product variation titles in results -> now using the get_the_title() method instead of the previous bypass. WooCommerce apparently corrected this.


  • Custom field filters – brackets within names of custom fields are now accepted

  • Custom URL for user results now works correctly

  • Back-end file uploader – now attaches to the correct inputs

  • Corrected the input trigger methods, now the search properly cancels/continues where required

  • Reset button – now correctly resets checkbox filters, where all the checkboxes are unchecked by default

  • WooCommerce – Exclude hidden catalog and search product_variations now working correctly

  • Polylang – The plugin now returns taxonomy terms from the correct language

2019.03.13 – 4.15


  • Results box width, margin and snap – floating results box can snap to the left, right or center of the search bar, as well as can have a custom width and margins.

  • Primary and Secondary ordering fields for user results (including custom fields)


  • Percentage values for isotopic item height is now allowed (it’s relative to the container width, not the container height)

  • Custom Field Drop-down filters – now support adding option groups within the drop-down via a simple syntax: ‘This is a group’

  • Custom Field Drop-down filters – now support multiple values within one option, using the ‘::’ delimiter: ‘value1::value2::value3||Option name’

  • Synonyms: Added an option to allow using the synonyms as keywords as well. In case of keyword => (synonym1, synonym2 ..) the words synonym1 and synonym2 .. act as keywords and are synonyms to each other.

  • Search override: Visiting the search results page via URL will automatically trigger the override feature with the default filter values, for the selected search instance

  • Compact final width – now supports separate tablet and mobile device widths

  • Custom icons (magnifier, loading etc..) – color/selection options disabled when active


  • Accessibility: Search option labels now contain the label text (invisible) to comply with Wave checking tool (previous release had a CSS implemented to prepare this change)

  • IOS/Touch devices – clicking on the ‘More results’ button now does not close the results momentarily

  • CF/Taxonomy searchable drop-down filter – does no longer trigger the search when entering the search phrase

  • Keyword suggestions – Title/Tag/Tax suggestions now properly respect the passed options

  • Back-end: Changed the #preview selector to something more specific, to prevent conflicts with some other plugins

  • Attachment page URL forced correctly, when chosen

  • Vertical results: Hitting up/down keys, no longer prevent the screen scrolling, when the results scrollbar is not visible

  • Fixed an array declaration issue in the helpers file, that causes problems with some PHP versions/directives (from [] to array())

  • Custom uploaded loading icons now work properly

  • Custom field filters – empty custom field values are now properly checked

2019.01.16 – 4.14.6


  • Tablet item height for isotopic results is now correctly passed

  • Redirection to first results on enter key and magnifier events corrected

  • Duplication of search instances is now working again

  • Autocomplete & Suggestions – Post categories are now possible to use as source

  • User results – HTML properly stripped and removed, and description context enabled

  • Post Type Filters – correctly memorized when redirecting to the results page

  • Minor Typo fixes

  • Language files updated

2019.01.08 – 4.14.5


  • Separate Mobile, Tablet and Desktop search box width, and isotopic result width/height options

  • Results information box – it is now possible to display the phrase entered and the number of results found on top of the results list

  • get_asp_result_field($field) & the_asp_result_field($field) functions – Can be used in search.php theme file, within the loop. It returns the search result fields (such as the image, relevance etc..), that are exclusive to Ajax Search Pro.


  • ‘asp_init_search_bar’ event added, triggers when a search bar is initialized

  • [multisite] – Search instances are assigned ownership, and only the assigned admin or super admin can access them. (old search instances are assigned to ‘anyone’ in the admins group, super admin can change them)

  • PODs – Tested for Custom PODs relation to Post type extensions – searchable via the Index Table

  • Back-end UI improvements #1 – some inputs have changed, so that they automatically resize based on the input size.

  • Back-end UI improvements #2 – updates to option descriptions & more intuitiveness improvements


  • String translations for custom field filter values are now registered properly

  • Back-end: Options now correctly save when the server has a very low max_input_vars setting (<500) in effect, via a parse_str wrapper

  • Isotopic results – better & faster mobile orientation and browser resize event handling during displaying paginated results.

  • (ignored, not an issue) Post Format label is now available on the display mode list, under the taxonomy term filters panel

  • Search in ‘private’ posts is now only visible for users above editor capabilities

  • Theme Loader – Now properly resets some custom stylings

  • Custom Field Filters – Multi-select options now have an adjustable logic, just like checkboxes

  • The ‘No results’ and ‘Did you mean?’ back-end options now accept HTML tags.

2018.12.10 – 4.14.4


  • Gutenberg editor modules & compatibility test & WordPress 5.0 compatibility tested

  • New theme group – Max UI (instead of curvy)


  • Themes – Input background changes, on some themes, the input field background changed to transparent, to aviod confusion with the overall box background.

  • When tables are not created, the plugin now outputs the generated SQL and instructions to execute it in order to create the tables properly.

  • Advanced fields – Taxonomy syntax accepts more parameters: hide_empty, childless, hierarchical

  • Index Table – Now re-tries failed index queries, expecting a much fluid indexing process


  • Custom field date filter – ACF date field choice no longer displays an information message (yymmdd), as it is incorrect. (it works correctly)

  • Advanced fields – ACF choice field labels are displayed, when the field return mode is set to ‘Both’ (array)

  • Content type filter – ‘comments’ content type added, moved from the Generic filters section

  • “No results” bug – container no longer displayed when loading ‘more results’ (due to inaccurate or unset results count)

  • More results – no longer displayed, when clicking the close (x) icon, and re-entering the same phrase again

  • Date filter – the date picker now appears correctly on the back-end

  • More robust https detection, as in some cases incorrectly configured site URLs resulted in wrong protocol urls

  • Priority saving issue fix – affecting Multitisites only

  • User exclusion – now working with all/anonymous user options

  • Index table engine – Fixed a query format, when using the ‘OR’ keyword logic

  • Custom field checkboxes filter – fixed and issue where the ‘Exactly LIKE’ operator would not work correctly

2018.11.09 – 4.14.3 – Minor release


  • Filter by user meta support (including 3rd party, like UM support)

  • Advanced title and content fields supporting custom taxonomy terms

  • Option to Exclude taxonomy term results where the post count is 0 (empty terms).

  • WP 5.0 compatibility tested

  • Isotopic layout – Swiping over non-paginated items does no longer close the results list.

  • Meta filters – Slider and Range slider now automatically sets the handle values, when left empty on the back-end.

2018.10.27 – 4.14.2 – Minor release


  • When the search box visibility is disabled – facet change triggering search is no longer forced, as there is a search button available.

  • Minor script literal fix, for IE11 compatibility

  • noUi slider script updated

  • Range slider: mobile fixes – now correctly triggers on drag end events, drag size increased for better comfort

2018.10.08 – 4.14.1 – Minor release


  • ACF – get field error, on some rare configurations fixed

  • Post type options – no longer show some ACF related, template and form post types to avoid confusion

  • Better minification of the script files (~10%)

2018.10.06 – 4.14 – Major release

New features

  • Select all checkboxes option for custom field filters

  • Infinite scroll mode for the ‘Load more results’ feature

  • Option to explicitly disable isotopic layout navigation

  • More results loader icon added, when clicking on the more results link


  • Smoother scrolling with the scroll script

  • UI: Mobile keyboard now hides initially, but only when the results list first opens or is reopened.


  • Load more results fix – on auto-populate enabled, the default results limit is used, to prevent loading of incorrect items.

  • Isotopic layout – smoother appending new items to the end of the isotope list, as well as smarter column calculation

  • Product – Tags (2x) in the taxonomy terms list – these are no longer visible, as they are not actual product tags

  • ACF – Get fields function now includes another bypass, to fix some problems with custom field filters

  • Lazy loader script moved out of original scope for better compatibility

  • Attachment search fixed, where in some cases the search keywords were not applied

  • Minor cosmetic bugfixes

2018.09.03 – 4.13.4 – Minor release

New features

  • Cache method is now possible to choose: file (default) or database


  • Removed a commented code section, which caused WordFence to trigger a false positive match

2018.08.30 – 4.13.3 – Major release

New features

  • “Double Quotation” option as an exact matching feature for regular engine. When enabled, words in quotation marks are treated as a single term.

  • Localization of the back-end. The main .post file is under the /languages folder


  • Regular engine rework: Better cross-field keyword, and the the default search logic changed to AND.

  • Some redundant or un-used classes removed: wpdreamsBorderradius, wpdreamsBoxShadowMini, wpdreamsCustomContent, wpdreamsCustomTaxonomyTerm, wpdreamsCustomTaxonomyTermSel, wpdreamsDatePicker, wpdreamsFont, wpdreamsFontMini, wpdreamsImageParser, wpdreamsImageSettings, wpdreamsInfo, wpdreamsLabelPosition, wpdreamsOnOff, wpdreamsPageParents, wpdreamsSelect, wpdreamsSelectCategory, wpdreamsSelectTerm, wpdreamsTextareaIsParam, wpdreamsTextShadow, wpdreamsTextShadowMini, wpdreamsUploadReset

  • Removed many unused back-end scripts ~1MB

  • API methods – using classes instead of ID selectors for better compatibility


  • The database existence checker method is now case insensitive, as some databases may return a lower case DB via the ‘SHOW Tables’ query.

  • Right mouse button on results in FireFox – it no longer closes the results list.

  • Prevented shortcode to be executed on the back-end taxonomy listing pages (not happening in WordPress by default, only if a custom plugin allows shortcode in listings)

  • Single quotes and other special characters fixed on keyword exceptions list

  • Inline script and CSS contents are better trimmed from the result contents

  • Updater: update checks are less frequent, if the remote servers are not responding

  • Index Table: Shortcode extraction improvements

  • Results container animation fixes

  • Google Fonts are now loading correctly as defined under each font setting

  • ACF select/radio etc.. field values are now loading correctly within the custom field filters in all cases, even if the plugin shortcode is not executed in post context

2018.08.01 – 4.13.2 – Minor release

New features

  • Term meta table search option when searching for taxonomy terms

  • Advanced title & Content fields now support additional field variables: {__content}, {__title}, {__image}, {__link} – These variables return the corresponding result field

  • ‘asp_noajax_results’ filter added – executed before passing the non-ajax results to the results page


  • Protocol relative enqueue_scripts & enqueue_styles replaced with the protocol version: Let the Cache/Minify solutions decide to remove/keep the protocol string or not.

  • Notification: to enable index table on search instances, when index table first generated


  • The ‘inherit’ font option now properly saves and loads

  • Taxonomy Term word length query issue fixed

  • Elementor plugin compatibility – Fixed an issue with Elementor customized search page, where the override was not working

  • Term exclusions now work properly, when a radio/select filter is in use for the same taxonomy

  • File attachment thumbnail images are now parsed correctly, if they exist (ex.: PDF images)

2018.06.20 – 4.13.1 – Major release

New features

  • Search button as a ‘filter’

  • Peepso groups and activities search integration


  • Option: Attachment results can point to the parent (attached) post URL

  • Advanced title and content fields recognize The Events Calendar and Events Manager custom fields, and displays the dates in correct date format.

  • Some styles/Options reworked on the back-end for easier, more convenient usage

  • Font options: entering custom fonts is now possible

  • Info message about possible cookies

  • ‘Load more’ action ‘ajax results’ now properly disabled when not available

  • Index table – custom fields below length of 50 characters are now indexed with and without space characters as well (ex. field ‘001 002 003’ indexed as -> ‘001’, ‘002’, ‘003’ and ‘001002003’)

  • Index Table Cron option -> Now allows 2, 3, 5, 15, 30 minute cron job intervals


  • WCAG compliance improvements – aria-label and aria-hidden attributes added where possible

  • Categories Images plugin support for parsing taxonomy term images

  • Default image for non post-type results is now showing (terms, users, attachments) correctly

  • Custom field {get_values} syntax now orders the fields alphabetically, in ascending order

  • Category Filter -> Display mode -> Placeholder text for multiselect & Search text no longer resets upon saving multiple times

  • Category Filter -> Display mode -> “Select All” text no longer resets to empty string

  • Media Attachment indexing – only one document is indexed per iteration for better performance

  • Media attachment indexing (including images) – Cron automatically enables (5 min. interval), when media attachment content indexing is enabled

  • Index table generator – detection of long requests, and automatically lowering the limits

  • Fixed a bug where empty queries resulted in an error message

  • Slider/Range slider width now following the column width

  • Fixed a Hidden Search form bug -> When No field selected under General Options -> Sources = No results

  • Better index table quote detection

  • Synonyms with apostrophes are stored correctly without backslash now

  • qTranslate fix for term descriptions

  • WPML Query fix for taxonomy term results

  • Fixed some search bar Themes

  • The term results count is not correct when using Primary + Secondary logic

  • Index table – single indexed titles now include an apostropheless version as well

  • Featured image source size now affects attachments as well

2018.04.26 – 4.13 – Major release


  • Synonims for Index table engine

  • Indexing media attachment contents: Text, CSV, PDF, RTF, Word, Excel and Powerpoint document files content indexing is now possible

  • Live results loader feature for the results page

  • Lazy loader jQuery script for results images

  • New API method to get the URL to the current filter states: ASP.api(id, ‘getStateURL’);


  • Index table post type selector


  • Index table index bug – where some singe word post titles might not be indexed individually

  • Date filter bug (wrong date inclusion)

  • Range slider issue on Mobile devices

  • jQuery 3+ compatibility

  • Image cache is now working on attachment, tag etc.. results

  • Documentation links fix for the new documentation domain

  • Custom scrollbar – Mobile scroll difficulties fixed

  • More redundant clone detection and fixing method (usually in mobile menus)

  • “Try these” keywords with apostrophes – properly escaped

  • “No results” text and apostrophes – properly escaped

2018.03.20 – 4.12.2 – Minor bugfix release


  • Plugin scritps/styles can be loaded selectively on certain pages

  • Post type and Content type CSS classes to results output

  • Index table Pool sizes are now dynamically adjusted by the plugin, but can be adjusted manually as well

  • Minimum word length option – to increase perormance


  • Range slider values can be automatically parsed from DB

  • On connection failure, the plugin will show a message.


  • Custom field search alignment on Frontend Search settings fixed

  • Trigger live search on enter key is now working (if trigger on type is disabled)

  • Redirect results to the first on enter/click is now working

  • The ‘Close’ icon now displays whenever there is a phrase entered and the input is focused

  • Major Index table performance issue fixes: the pool size was too big for short phrases | title query optimized and reworked

  • Minimum word length introduced for separate keywords – increasing the performance in some cases dramatically

  • the_title filter in index table class now applied with the correct number of arguments (2)

2018.02.23 – 4.12 – Major release


  • Priority Groups – Prioritizing results based on taxonomy terms and custom field rules is now possible.

  • Max-height attribute to vertical results theme options (default: auto)

  • Added ‘Empty background’ to isotopic results if no image is found option

  • “Choose any” option for Post type filters

  • Hide completed items Delete…


  • Isotope item width allowing pixels + rows calculation based on that


  • ‘keyup’ event handler changed to ‘input’ due to better compatibility with IOS mobile devices

  • The WP default search query is now definitely cancelled, whenever the override is detected.

  • Autocomplete notices no longer appear

  • User search, advanced fields – supporting conditional brackets and ACF

  • Extended phpDocumentor comments within the code

  • Cache & ‘load more’ results feature conflict fix

  • Term search content HTML stripping and closing added

  • Results, settings (cases when search bar is in a fixed header) and compact box scroll delay removed

  • Browser back-state and Compact layout conflict fix (no longer triggers auto search)

  • Index Table engine bugfix – The selected fields on the regular engine no longer affect the index table engine.

  • Index Table and the Generic Selectors (search in title, content and excerpt) now work together as expected

  • Backend – Generic Selector option fix – When removing an option, did not update correctly

  • Fixed container detection – The results and settings container no longer ‘jumps’ when the search bar is placed in a fixed container.

  • Mobile fixes – Compact layout now properly fixates to the site, the scrolling is smoother as well

2018.02.27 – 4.12.1 – Minor bugfix release


  • A result width calculation fix on block layouts

  • Result box position calculation fix, when logged in, or the document body is moved

  • Result image dimensions calculation fix (integer parsing error)

2018.02.23 – 4.12 – Major release


  • Priority Groups – Prioritizing results based on taxonomy terms and custom field rules is now possible.

  • Max-height attribute to vertical results theme options (default: auto)

  • Added ‘Empty background’ to isotopic results if no image is found option

  • “Choose any” option for Post type filters

  • Hide completed items Delete…


  • Isotope item width allowing pixels + rows calculation based on that


  • ‘keyup’ event handler changed to ‘input’ due to better compatibility with IOS mobile devices

  • The WP default search query is now definitely cancelled, whenever the override is detected.

  • Autocomplete notices no longer appear

  • User search, advanced fields – supporting conditional brackets and ACF

  • Extended phpDocumentor comments within the code

  • Cache & ‘load more’ results feature conflict fix

  • Term search content HTML stripping and closing added

  • Results, settings (cases when search bar is in a fixed header) and compact box scroll delay removed

  • Browser back-state and Compact layout conflict fix (no longer triggers auto search)

  • Index Table engine bugfix – The selected fields on the regular engine no longer affect the index table engine.

  • Index Table and the Generic Selectors (search in title, content and excerpt) now work together as expected

  • Backend – Generic Selector option fix – When removing an option, did not update correctly

  • Fixed container detection – The results and settings container no longer ‘jumps’ when the search bar is placed in a fixed container.

  • Mobile fixes – Compact layout now properly fixates to the site, the scrolling is smoother as well

2018.01.12 – 4.11.10 – Major bugfix release


  • Filtering by content type is added

  • Filter box header for generic selectors


  • .label and .option classes removed

  • Replace old CSS selectors with shorthand classes in style.basic.css

  • Some option names changed for better understanding


  • Post format ‘standard’ is now present in the filter list.

  • WPML/Polylang/qTranslateX current language affects the google keyword suggestions language

  • Custom post type filters are no longer in effect when set to invisible (radio mode + selected post types causing the problem,

  • Search default override does not affect the back-end search anymore (issue in 4.11.9 only)

  • Back-end meta box was too wide

  • JS Retain popstate (browser back button trigger) option now works properly

  • A clipping issue with the chosen script

  • When live search is disabled, autocomple will no longer trigger it incorrectly

2017.12.12 – 4.11.9 – Major bugfix release


  • Option to hide settings box on hovering layout, when results display (enabled)

  • Browser back-button retain phrase if entered + mobile tests

  • Exact matching location option: anywhere, starting with the phrase or ending with the phrase


  • Settings and Results box data-id and data-instance set

  • The default style.basic.css file replaced with a minified version (saving ~10% space)

  • Minify CSS option added to the Compatibility settings panel

  • Better title match relevance calculation (exact matching > starts with matching > random matching)

  • “Search in posts” and “Search in pages” option merged to “Search in custom post types”

  • Include post by tags is now possible, using the include by taxonomy terms option

  • The default search override now applies when the search page is visited via URL: ../?s=phrase

  • Results page override is enabled by default

  • Frontend search settings disabled by default


  • Checkboxes no longer trigger during scroll on touch devices

  • Custom field DatePicker now triggers the search as it supposed to

  • The keyword highlighter script now supports Unicode character sets

  • ACF5 & MySQL datetime fields are the same, changed to one. ACF4 changed to ACF Date picker, ACF5 to ACF DateTime picker

  • Asynch CSS loader – Flash of Unstyled Content elemination, faster & smoother loading Isotopic mobile

  • Fixed a mobile focus/scroll issue on multi-instance setups

  • Further RTL fixes

  • Node Copy detection (especially in menus) and fix in most cases

  • When there is a Tax Term inclusion the logic adopts towards more expected results

  • Use Index Table for attachments search

  • Instance Init overhead reduced – instances table existence check cache

2017.11.23 – 4.11.8 – Minor bugfix release


  • $id and $real_id passed with asp_print_search_query filter

  • option and .label class deprecated due to non-specific name (will be removed in 4.12). Replaced by asp_option_inner and .asp_option_label classes

  • Shorthand class names introduced for global, main box, results, settings and block settings boxes with names: asp_w, asp_m, asp_r, asp_s and asp_sb

  • ~10% CSS decrease due to shorthand classes

  • Attachments search – ordering by custom field allowed


  • Re-count the results after executing the result filters, so the pagination is correct on the results page

  • Date filter not triggering live search

  • WPML permalink incorrect, apply wpml_permalink filter

  • CSS fixes on labels within the form

2017.11.10 – 4.11.7 – Minor release


  • Search redirect to URL and Show more custom URL: {custom_field} for radio, drop-down and input fields can be passed as argument

  • Allowed filtering by custom fields for Media attachments (option, disabled by default)


  • Isotopic layout no longer resets on scrolling the mobile screen

  • WPML and Multisite search issue fixed

  • Fixed an error where WPML and String translations throws an error on latest WP (WPML String translation issue, please update it)

  • Back-end accessibility improvements

  • [no-keyword] strings removed from top and last search widgests

  • Theme Chooser: An import issue fixed; Minor optimizations

  • A duplicate ID removed from the isotopic navigation

2017.10.20 – 4.11.6 – Major release


  • jQuery choosen implementation

  • {_tax_price} variable in advanced fields, displaying the product price with tax in WooCommerce

  • Warning message wrapper – Pop up Continue,Cancel that is triggered on certain events.

  • Back-end: Only options for the current result layout type will be displayed, instad of all

  • EQUAL OR LESS, EQUAL OR MORE operators now available for the custom field filter option

  • Better visibility (high contrast) mode on the back-end

  • Custom field filter {get_values} variable now can parse ACF multiselect field choices


  • User meta search and select field

  • Input select and multiselect CSS fixes

  • Settings checkbox background simplifications


  • mb_convert_encoding existence check on image content parser

  • create_chmod function will use the File System wrapper in all cases during the activation process

  • ‘No results text’ apostrophe and escaping fixes

  • ‘No results text’ – using [ for {phrase}] syntax.

  • z-index issues on back-end narrow screens

  • ‘Try these’ keywords comma after last word

  • Empty string checks during Index Table tokenization process

  • Text custom field – on keyup trigger a change event, prevent return event as well.

2017.09.15 – 4.11.5 – Minor, bugfix release


  • New themes: Filled red, blue and grey

  • Close icon now can be styled


  • The plugin meta box is now adjustable to be displayed on chosen post types only

  • Themes are now more organized

  • Auto populate can now order randomly


  • The theme loader is now much faster, themes sizes are reduced

  • Saving the compatibility options will remain on the active panel

  • Excluding and including taxonomy terms on the advanced panel no longer displays the ‘Use all’ option

  • WP_Filesystem() is no longer initalized upon loading, only on actions and requests

  • Custom Field filters now support multiple fields with the same keys

2017.08.26 – 4.11.4 – Minor, bugfix release

Added Fixed

  • Category and term exclusions fix when allowing empty filters is enabled (enabled by default)

  • Settings drop down no displays below the magnifier if the settings icon disabled

2017.08.21 – 4.11.3 – Minor, bugfix release


  • Magnifier, return button, and ‘show more’ link redirection can be made to a new browser tab

  • Custom field selectors now support getting the custom field values from the DB by using the {get_values} variable


  • The minimum width of the search box is now 140px instead of the previous 240px


  • A bug with touch enabled notebooks with mouse, where checkboxes were not working

  • Isotopic navigation and item redirection on IOS devices

  • ASP_URL constant replaced with ASP_URL_NP to support non-protocol loading of assets

  • Some additional problematic shortcodes excluded from index table parser

  • Tag and term suggestion count is now respected

  • :after and :before attributes from inputs in search and form

2017.08.07 – 4.11.2 – Minor, bugfix release


  • New option to ignore checkbox filters, if nothing is selected


  • Index table can now exectute shortcodes within post excertp field


  • Missing price tag on variable products is now displayed correctly

  • Checkbox bugs on mobile devices

  • Built in bfi_thumb library no longer adds actions to wordpress

2017.08.02 – 4.11.1 – Minor, bugfix release


  • Custom field filter – empty fields – now existing fields with empty string values are considired as ’empty’ as well

  • [F1-F12] button triggers disabled

  • Faster escaping method

  • Last successful search is now better regocnized on empty phrases


  • IOS Safari: Compact box closing fix on document click

  • IOS Safari: Zoom prevention on input focus

  • Title, term and tag suggestions now respect exclusions

  • WPML and product variations – now not displaying from incorrect languages

  • WPML redirection to results page – fixed a bug where the query arguments were incorrect

  • Generic front-end selectors: If the the front-end options are disabled, their values are no longer in use

  • Context find fix – where with an empty phrase the search would return the full description in some cases

2017.07.14 – 4.11 – Major release


  • Exception filter, so the plugin can be terminated at a certain point

  • A ‘_keyword_count_limit’ argument, to limit the effective phrase count

  • Conditional advanced title and description fields, ex.: [prefix text {field} suffix] will only display if ‘field’ custom field is not empty

  • Advanced title & description fields: WooCommerce ‘_price’, ‘_regular_price’, ‘_sale_price’ fields are automatically recognized and displayed formatted with currency

  • ACF get_field() compatibility switch to the Compatibility options submenu

  • A ‘Disable all fonts’ switch to the Compatibility options submenu

  • Maintenance submenu: plugin resetting and wiping (full uninstall) features


  • Generic front-end options (Exact matches, Search in title, etc..) can be better modified via a new option layout on the back-end

  • The redirection URL has a better structure

  • The ‘show more’ results opions are simplified

  • The commas between ‘try these’ phrases are now pseudo selectors

  • Isotope script update to 3.0.4 (scoped)

  • Search statistics are now only recorded after successful searches, as a separate process


  • Checkboxes bugfix

  • Min width of the search set to 140px

  • Post status fixes for the index table

  • The SVG files are optimized

  • The redirection did not work correctly on 0 characters entered

  • IE 11 and Edge isotopic results click fix

  • Page exclusion option – non-published objects were invisible

  • WooCommerce notices and deprecated functions removed

  • Isotopic results pagination fix

  • RTL layout with isotopic script

2017.06.01 – 4.10.5 – Minor bugfix release


  • Empty groups can be displayed

  • Old browser compatibility can be disabled


  • HTML Entity decoding on certain events


  • Mobile browser issue, when suggested keywords wouldn’t work

  • Preview mode fix for some rare cases

  • min-width attribute to prevent collapsing box in small containers

2017.05.23 – 4.10.4 – Major bugfix release


  • Searching users by email address

  • A post parent ID parameter for the asp_query_args filter

  • Blueprints for the future feature: instant suggestions


  • RTL layout should be much better now

  • A performance issue related to custom field filters

  • Isotope layout, middle mouse button click now reacts

  • ACF 5 date field filtering updated to mysql datetime

  • Issue with index table on default values when saving posts

  • An issue with primary and secondary logic execution

  • autocomplete missing source fatal error issue

  • Mobile redirections corrected

  • Auto populate limit fixed

  • Group location fixed

  • WPML attachment language affection

  • Context and content length is now correct for the terms search


  • The default option for Return and Magnifier click is ajax search, not redirection

  • Space now does not trigger the search

  • Clicking on the input field will display the latest successful results list

  • If filter checkboxes are unchecked, the ‘Select all’ option is unchecked as well

  • Input field z-index is defaulted to 0

2017.03.06 – 4.10.3 – Minor ‘hotfix’ release


  • z-index adjustemt for settings and results box

  • z-index fix for close icon on low widths

  • asp_results_hide action in JS api


  • Results redirection now memorizes taxonomy drop-down and radio values

  • Missing scrolling from custom field selectors


  • Context highlighting now uses the whole term to look for matches

  • WPEngine false positive php7 warnings adjusted

  • removed unused files

2017.02.21 – 4.10.2 – Minor ‘hotfix’ release


  • Attachment search by ID


  • Theme Loader fix

2017.02.15 – 4.10.1 – Minor ‘hotfix’ release


  • Limit modifier variable introduced (as argument)


  • Results width caclulation bug fixed

  • More results action URL and counter fix

  • Content image parser now correctly gets the first found image instead of second

  • Multi-select filter scroll issue fix

2017.02.11 – 4.10 – Major release


  • Pagination can be displayed on both top and bottom of isotopic layout

  • Posts per page argument for search override

  • The plugin shortcode now works as a menu item (place into the menu title field)

  • WooCommerce built in ordering and filtering is now respected on search override

  • User search: excluding/including users is now possible

  • Visibility Detection option: when enabled the plugin tries to detect if it’s visisble, if not, closes the results and settings

  • asp_it_args filter to allow hooking to index table args

  • The index table is now capable of indexing IFRAME contents

  • The content context length is now adjustable

  • New JS API functions: ASP.api(id, ‘searchRedirect’, phrase) and ASP.api(id, ‘exists’)


  • Date selectors now support format change

  • Trigger and redirect options merged into a more simple one

  • Custom field type options now include a search box to select a custom field, instead of listing all

  • Term results now correctly display term content if present

  • Compact mode scroll propagation prevention for vertical and horizontal layouts

  • Optional WP_Session was fully removed, a better, cookie method is used

  • Higher priority for exact matching titles on Index table engine

  • The page ID is passed during search in the _page_id argument

  • Cache now deletes correctly when search options change

  • Some data moved to the footer for better compatibility

  • WooCommerce product visibility is now respected

  • WooCommerce product variation content is now correctly parsed

  • Attachment results now respect custom field filters

  • Polaroid layout now more flexible in height


  • A width calculation for hovering results, now properly calculates margin, border and padding as well

  • z-index values lowered to 1 on most elements

  • Content image parser now correctly gets the first found image instead of second

  • Multi-select filter scroll issue fix

  • Mobile double-tap issue fix

  • Mobile keyboard now properly hides when the virtual keyboard search icon is triggered

  • Top and Latest search phrases widget now respects redirection and override

  • RequireJS and NodeJS script loaders disabled, the plugin does not use them

  • Excerpt translation with qTranslatex

  • Checkbox visual bugs from adjacent selectors

  • max_input_vars php.ini variable detection and alternate saving method

  • Try these keywords visibility fix on static plugin layout

  • A trigger fix when only custom field search is enabled

  • BuddyPress activity: post processing fix

  • User search: role and custom field conflict fix

  • min-width attribute on input field for old Android browsers

  • Multisite YOAST Seo conflict when saving the SEO fields

  • The autocomplete=off attribute added to form to prevent webkit prefill bugs

  • Date to filter value fixed

  • Double override execution fix

  • Flash of Unstyled content fix for async CSS loader

  • Override URLs for Genesis Framework

  • Box shadow options, reversed vertical and horizontal labels fix

  • Instance creation and storage issue, when the initial options were stored incorrectly

  • Search Data Optimization: Automatic removal of un-used options, resulting in 50% less data stored

2016.09.25 – 4.9.8 – Minor Update


  • Image source size for featured images is now selectable

  • A secondary logic for filling results if it doesn’t reach the limit

  • Sorting by Custom Field value

  • An option for attachment search to link to the direct file

  • More mobile related options


  • Horizontal scroll fix where the default handler did not activate (touch-action CSS)

  • IOS pagination issue fix for Isotopic results

  • IOS swipe issue fix for IOS

  • Mixed result order fix

  • Polylang URL fixes

  • POST method for regular search override fix

  • A resizing bugfix for vertical results when loading up more results

  • More results bug after auto populate

  • Theme fixes


  • Post metabox description fix, new option to add additional search keywords

  • Index table min word length reduced to 2

  • Image size options moved to Theme Options panel

  • Mobile detection class update

2016.09.05 – 4.9.7 – Minor Update


  • New category and term exclusion and inclusion options added


  • Corrected AUpdater message

  • Title percision query correction for Index Table operations

  • Scrollbar fixes: fully namespaced and moved to a different scope for max compatibility

  • Attachment image source fix

  • Isotopic and Polaroid mobile swipe results fix


  • Category and tag exclusions work for attachments as well

  • Dash like ignore removed from index table generator, smarter solution instead

2016.08.26 – 4.9.6 – Minor Update


  • Scrollbar is now possible to disable

  • Additional post title query for better index table results


  • Getting post types in some cases were buggy

  • Backend js fixes due to false positives on firewalls

  • Missing prefixes from scrollbar styles

  • Index table action error fix

  • get_option() instances replaced with wd_asp()->o[] wrapper

  • Post status parse fix on index table creation

  • BuddyPress search in activities module check

  • Horizontal scrollbar styling fix

  • Shortcode generator fixes

  • mCustomScrollbar moved to mCustScr namespace

2016.08.18 – 4.9.5 – Minor Update


  • Importing, Exporting themes is now possible

  • Searching, Indexing permalinks is now possible

  • New themes: Round

  • Polylang compatibility for custom post type content


  • Textarea inputs now support special characters, including HTML

  • Polylang string translations

  • Frontend options margin fixes

  • Shortcode builder elements layout fixes

  • Font name fixes, related to importing search instances


  • Social box on search instance options panel

2016.08.04 – 4.9.4 – Minor Update


  • WooCommerce search form override

  • Search all custom fields option

  • Redundant (window.load) initialization added for maximum compatibility


  • Back-end text inputs now handle special characters

  • Index table “New index” button fix on repetitive press

  • Minor code logic fixes

  • Frontend CSS rule fixes

  • Image minification function fix to return originals on failure

  • Search form override priority fixes


  • New option to input search statuses, old options removed

  • Dynamic init method data is now stored as div attribute instead of content (crawler bot friendly)

  • Vertical and Horizontal results images are redirecting to results, even if not the whole area is clickable

  • Scrollbar script checks for existence before init

2016.07.17 – 4.9.3 – Minor Update


  • Shortcode Generator

  • JS API + events API

  • Settings items layout option (flex, column, masonry)

  • New shortcode wd_asp supporting ratios

  • Two new mobile related options


  • Some filter and action fixes

  • Keyword exception bugfix


  • Options checkboxes are changed to font elements

2016.07.01 – 4.9.2 – Minor Update


  • Google Places API integration


  • Export-import script URL fix

  • Removed old IE8-9 CSS

  • Theme chooser fix

  • Taxonomy Exclusion bugfix

  • Double backslash fixes on back-end scripts

  • Search cache issue fix

  • Missing product variation from non-ajax results

  • Phrase escaping fix for non-ajax search

  • Search in post IDs fixed for empty phrases

  • “More results” ajax calculation fix

  • Term hierarchy generator fix

  • Custom CSS printing bugfix

  • Statistics page fixed


  • NouiSlider update to latest version

2016.06.18 – 4.9.1 – Minor Update


  • Index table update notification fix

  • New taxonomy selector: checkbox fix, get_terms() deprecated fix

  • Numerous fixes for selector classes

  • Fixed an upload PATH variable

  • Blog search: checks if is_multisite() first

  • WPML string translation fix for category header boxes

  • Category exclusions fix

2016.06.13 – 4.9.0 – Major Update


  • New category and taxonomy term filter options

  • New grouping options

  • Search box alignment option

  • ASP_Query wrapper class to use as search API

  • User related exclusions

  • Date custom field filter now supports timestapm and MySQL datetime formats

  • Post type filters re-worked: supporing drop-down and radio layout mode


  • Inline CSS parsing fix

  • Better script loading on back-end

  • A session related bug

  • Removed all ctype library requirements

  • An unknown issue with page exclusions

  • Box position and width fix for low width cases

  • An auto scrolling issue


  • Menu structure and permalinks changed to readable formats

  • Custom field slider and range slider decimal options

  • An old image cache library is removed

2016.03.27 – 4.8.4 – Minor/Hotfix Update

Added: – Fixed:

  • Session handling related bugfix

  • Old PHP 5.2.4 compatibility fix

2016.03.25 – 4.8.3 – Minor/Hotfix Update


  • Search in post IDs is possible

  • Autocomplete for mobile is adjustable


  • An issue with mobile detection and handling

  • Taxonomy selectors now allow private taxonomies

  • CSS permission related issue fixes

  • Search options memorization across paginated results

  • Header already sent error fix

2016.03.17 – 4.8.2 – Major Update


  • Automatic plugin updates

  • New mobile related options

  • A meta box to adjust suggested phrases per post basis

  • Memorizing selected front-end options when doing a non-ajax search

  • Switchable srcript initialization method

  • Mobile swipe support for Isotopic and Polaroid layout for paging


  • Index table issues: better word boundary detection, custom field indexing problems, ordering problems, WooCommerce product variation indexing

  • Custom field filtering issues when using the AND logic between fields

  • Auto populate bugfixes

  • Better special character handling and search

  • Image detection fixes regarding custom fields


  • Removed deprecated functions

  • Removed unused options

  • Fixed file writing detection

2016.02.22 – 4.8.0 – Major Update


  • Empty search bar is supported (setting 0 character triggering)

  • It is possible to set column count and width for front-end settings boxes

  • Post date and custom field (ACF) date filtering is now possible

  • Excluding or including posts by date was added

  • The loader can be chosen to be displayed in the results box

  • Auto-poulating search results on page loading is now possible

  • Hiding the search bar and displaying settings only is now possible

  • An ajax page change detection script was implemented


  • Complete re-work of the core files, into a much better and safer structure.

  • A better method for processing hidden custom fields

  • Keyword suggestions now check substrings on no matches

  • It is now possible to create multiple custom field filters for the same custom field


  • Term filtering related issue, when all terms selected, did not display CPM from other categories, even though they are not excluded

  • Empty link issues on “more results” link

  • Font importing issues fixed

  • An empty border fix for isotopic results

  • A category grouping bug fix

  • Download Monitor plugin compatibility fix

  • A scrollbar issue fix on front-end selectors

  • Fixed a bug with user roles exclusions

2016.01.15 – 4.7.0 – Major Update


  • Filtering by post tags is possible

  • It is possible to replace the default theme search now

  • Override now returns any type of result

  • BuddyPress XProfile fields search

  • Keyword exceptions menu on Advanced Options

  • Isotope layout gutter between items is adjustable now

  • Backend Options search added

  • Image Display mode is now changeable

  • Custom field filters with empty values are discarded now correctly


  • UI fix when facet change is activated, the settings won’t close

  • Horizontal results are much more appealing

  • Custom field filters use much less data for communication

  • Default options moved to globals

  • Back-end default loading performance enhancement


  • Isotopic calculation fix for no-image items

  • “Try this” CSS fixed

  • Issue with category filter default values

  • Removed arbitrary calculations with horizontal results

  • Keyword highlighting fixed

  • More results link fix

  • A Visual Composer ajax bugfix

  • Fixed missing values when importing search settings

  • Context display performance fix

2015.11.27 – 4.6.0 – Major Update


  • Primary, Secondary sorting option added

  • Conditional CSS loader script added (experimental)

  • More animation options on Advanced Options panel

  • An adjustable background overlay for Compact mode (fixed layout)


  • Theme parser, moved to JSON data

  • SVG spinners removed due to deprication, NEW CSS3 spinners

  • Animations re-worked to full CSS3 with fallback

  • Animations CSS file is only used for dynamic CSS parser, reducing size over 90 per cent


  • Missing translation ID fixes for both engines

  • Placeholder text position fix

  • Input margin, padding fixes

  • Incorrect top calculation added for relative positioned body elements

  • Override default WP results group fix, and post_types array fix

2015.11.05 – 4.5.5 – Minor Update


  • Index table continue button and small stats snippet

  • Index table specific relevance options

  • Customizable date format

  • Added a filter to shortcodes taxonomy get_terms() call

  • New image source: post format images


  • Removed polaroid script classie and modernizr dependency

  • Escaping method changes

  • Index table search apostrophe removal

  • Index table adjusted first word relevance


  • Index table author related bug fix

  • Fixed placeholder alignment

2015.09.28 – 4.5.4 – Minor Update


  • Theme Loader added

  • Text type custom field added to custom field selectors

  • Isotopic navigation: supports large number of pages, slides back-forth

  • Index table engine CRON possibility

  • Result template files can be stored in the theme folder


  • Vertical results: Date and author are hidden by default now

  • Vertical results: Navigation fix, return button redirects to result

  • Index table improvements: does not store indexed documents in an array


  • Index table: timeout fix, WPML fix, reversed term fix

  • Preview mode fix

  • A typo fixed in results_layout.php: user_login

  • Global multibyte (mbstring) function fixes

  • Results override function fix

  • OR checkbox logic fix

  • Keyword suggestion fixes: multisite support, wrong autocomplete in some cases

  • Horizontal result fix: no results text incorrectly appearing

2015.09.28 – 4.5.3 – Minor Update


  • New initialization wrapper, type.wrapper.js instead of inline scripts

  • Display content as context around the search phrase


  • The ajaxsearchpro localized variable changed to ASP

  • The scripts are now loaded to the footer

  • Custom field selector initializator moved to the main script file

  • Better content parsing for the image parser


  • imageradio.class.php fixed a selection error where the plugins url is different

  • Fixed a WPML bug, where the post editor shows an error

  • More results link now doesn’t show if there are no results at all

2015.09.21 – 4.5.2 – Minor Update


  • Index table added an option to replace dash-like chars

  • Attachment term, caption search

  • Buddypress user search option replaced with global User search

  • Redirect click and enter to first matching result


  • Content and Excerpt are not selected in search_content.class.php if not enabled


  • Reverse search phrase property

  • Keyword double-escape fix

  • Index table floating issue, limit adjustment fix

  • Redirect click and enter bug fixed, where the ajax method won’t stop

  • Isotopic bugfix, where the content wont slide down

2015.08.26 – 4.5.1 – Minor Update


  • Tags as results

  • Affected post number for tag results


  • Script and style trimming from results


  • Visual composer bugfix

  • FF and IE js bugfix

  • Show more link bugfix

  • Isotopic layout blur fix

Version 4.5 – Major Update – 2015.08.11


  • A new feature and engine: Index table search engine

  • User search is now possible

  • Attachment search is now possible

  • Search text button

  • Back-end category parent,child chooser

  • Input focuses on compact mode opening

  • Keyword suggestions and autocomplete sources: taxonomy terms and CPM

  • WooCommerce term image integration

  • Hidden input field type for custom field selectors

  • Exclusion of parent-child pages is now possible

  • Added a Help and Updates menu for more information

  • Dynamic strings are now translatable with WPML string translations

  • Update Notifications on the plugins menu


  • Major query optimizations for better performance

  • Adjustable author field for CPT results

  • Input box converted to flex display

  • Google autocomplete ajax migrated to JS

  • Custom field and Category selector output limit increased

  • WPML respects term translations

  • CSS files re-ordered

  • Some CSS classes changed with prefixes

  • Optimized some theme line heights

  • JS resize and scroll event optimizations

  • Better attempt on closing unclosed HTML tags in content

  • Result images are displayed as background images for better compatibility

  • Select item colorization and width changes

  • On multisite it is now possible to select all blogs with a checkbox


  • Compact mode scrolling fixes

  • WooCommerce product variation URL fix

  • File system api instead of furl_open

  • Stylesheet fixes

  • Back-end JS optimizations

  • Better input escaping

  • Margin, padding override fixes

  • Vertical results box height calculation fix

  • WMPL compatibility with custom ajax handler

  • Keyboard navigation fix for vertical results

  • Fix a script exclusion for IE<9

  • Multiselect custom post type selector fix

  • A rev-slider compatibility bugfix

  • Non-ajax pagination fix

  • Widget compatibility for WP4.3

2015.03.18 – 4.0 – Major update


  • Visual composer addon included

  • New menu: Export/Import settings

  • you can export all your search instances, or individual instance settings

  • New menu: Performance Tracking

  • track the search performance on your dashboard

  • New Shortcode: Two column shortcode

  • A search and a result box next to each other

  • Compact Layout Mode

  • on fixed, absolute and static page positions

  • Full RTL support

  • Result templating is now possible

  • each result type has it’s own template file

  • More options with Keyword suggestions and Autocomplete (post titles, tags)

  • It is now possible to rename/duplicate search instances

  • Better control over Javascript and CSS compatibility and size

  • Excluding categories and terms from category results is now possible

  • Search can be triggered on a Facet change (checkbox, slider, radio button…)

  • Individual result groups (terms, posts, buddypress results, etc..) can be ordered now.

  • Query Compatibility Options

  • You can fine tune the search query to force application level Unicode and UTF8 searches

  • Results now can be redirected to a new browser tab


  • Vertical results now support automatic height and the result image is surrounded with the description

  • Relevance is now less performance dependent

  • The ajax request now returns plain HTML instead of JSON (because of templating)


  • A possible security issue on the backend

  • Massive CSS compatibility fixes

  • ABSPATH variable removed

2014.11.27 – 3.5 – Major update


  • Priority settings -> prioritizing results is now possible

  • Custom Frontend Fields -> Creation of Radio buttons, Dropboxes, Checkboxes, Range sliders connected with custom fields

  • Advanced Ajax Page Loader plugin compatibility options

  • Suggested keywords -> “Try these:” as seen on the demo


  • CSS files for search instances had been removed and replaced with a concatenated single CSS file

  • TimThumb removed and BFI image class had been added as main image handler


  • CSS incompatibilities

  • Known JS bugs

  • Isotopic layout is now more stable

2014.10.07 – 3.2 – Major update


  • It is possible to change the search logic now: OR, OR with exact words, AND, AND with exact words

  • Categories and taxonomies can be returned as results


  • In Old internet explorer versions the search falls back to the default wordpress search box

  • Fixed a bug with the cache

  • Fixed a bug with the widget2014.09.19 – 3.1 – Minor updateAdded:

  • The plugin can now override (replace) the default WordPress search results on the results page!

  • BuddyPress support: Search in groups, users and activities

  • The ‘More results..’ and the default results URL is now customizable


  • Polaroid results fix for new chrome browsers

  • Custom ajax handler is now disabled by default due to some incompatibilities

  • The title search relevance has changed a bit

  • Fulltext search is disabled by default

  • Buddypress bugs fixed

2014.08.04 – 3.0 – Major update


  • New latout type: Isotopic

  • 2 New theme groups: Underline and Simple

  • New retina ready SVG icons

  • WPML support

  • Google Analytics Integration module

  • Brand new backend

  • Scroll-to-results option

  • Keyboard navigation for vertical results

  • Multiple instances of search boxes are now possible

  • Better preview

  • Better compatibility module


  • Shortcode buttons on the Post editor

  • Better image options and image handling

  • Smaller CSS files

  • Better javascript compatibility

2014.03.12 – 2.4 – Major update


  • Fulltext search capabilities

  • Fulltext indexing the posts table (post_title, post_content, post_excerpt)


  • A few bugs in the suggestions code

2014.03.06 – 2.3 – Minor changes


  • Polaroid styled results (experimental)

  • Shortcodes now strippable from results

  • Now supports pages with categories


  • Some Buddypress/Nextgen compatibility issues solved

2014.02.18 – 2.10 – Minor/Performance changes

  • Much better relevance sorting!

  • Overall performance rework – much faster ajax results

  • TimThumb available for faster image loading

  • Compatibility settings added – Inline styles and Non-minified javascript

  • Cache options reworked + Better image precache

2014.01.10 – 2.00 – Major update

!!!Important – Older version users, please delete your search instances and the plugin before installing!!! Added:

  • Search relevance with adjustable weights

  • Results filtering by custom taxonomies

  • Horizontal results

  • Result list placement to custom element via shortcode

  • Hooks – Filters & Actions added, full list in documentation


  • Frontend layout – Many changes here

  • The frontend options bar can be set to left/right

  • Vertical/Horizontal result list

  • Better mobile device compatibility (tap/search button on keyboard)

  • Color change on result hovering

  • Better scrollbar

  • Search box height changeable

  • Search box margin changeable

  • Backend rework – better

  • Themes reworked

  • +~40 new options on the backend

  • Backgroung gradient tool

  • Faster cache, better image cache

  • Nicer icons, better theme configurations

  • Better compatibility

  • ~50% less javascript

  • ~3x load performance

2013.05.21 – 1.81 – Minor Update

  • exact matches fix

  • some fixes on admin area

  • widget code fix

2013.05.08 – 1.80 – Major Update

  • 11 new themes

  • Admin page fix

  • Caching, precaching

  • Better images

  • iPhone fix

2013.04.16 – 1.70 – Major Update

  • Error check module

  • Css fixes

  • Shortcode running in search result content

  • Strip tags

  • Better search on BBPress forums

2013.04.16 – 1.65 – Minor Update

  • menu structure fix

  • blog titles search added

2013.02.13 – 1.60 – Major Update

  • 9 new minimal themes

  • minify fix, works with mobile

  • mobile typing fix

  • Search: custom fields as title and desc, multisite grouping fix

2013.02.07 – 1.50 – Major Update

  • Category selectors on the frontend

  • Category/Post type filtering

  • Search in comments

  • Exclude posts by id’s or categories

  • Stable, custom built jQuery for maximum compatibility

  • Better search algorithm

2012.12.13 – 1.40 – Major Update

  • Multisite support

  • Better admin interface, ajax powered

  • Autocomplete with statistics or google keywords

  • Touch device fixes

  • Possible enable/disable the triggering events

2012.12.13 – 1.30 – Major Update

  • WordPress 3.5 support

  • Show more results link added

2012.11.22 – 1.25 – Minor Update

  • jQuery outerheight fix

  • qTranslate support

2012.11.21 – 1.2 – Major Update

  • Search Statistics

  • Search in custom fields

  • 2 new widgets – Last searches and Top searches

  • Default Search Text option added

  • Compatibility issues fix (with older versions of jQuery ui)

  • Faster image parsing

  • Better keywords parsing

2012.11.14 – 1.1 – Major Update

  • Buddypress Support added (search in groups, forums, users)

  • Search term highlighting on the frontend

  • Custom post types supported

  • New custom post type selector on the backend

  • Translation support for frontend selectors

  • Language selector for google keyword suggestions

  • The whole item area is now clickable

2012.11.07 – 1.01

  • Error reporting issue fixed.

Last updated